Friday, January 30, 2009

Advanced Painter Techniques or Junkbots Bugbots and Bots on Wheels

Advanced Painter Techniques

Author: Don Seegmiller

Traditional art instruction books often start with a blank canvas and, through a series of images, show how to construct a painting or drawing. Advanced Painter Techniques takes a similar approach, but with a somewhat backward twist.

Each chapter starts with a compelling, detailed digital painting. Painter Master and expert Don Seegmiller then deconstructs individual sections showing how he created and painted the effect or object. The focus is not on how to duplicate or imitate the original image, but on the method, reasons, technique, and thinking that goes into such an image, and how that can be adapted to individual artistic needs.

This process, by necessity, involves featuring Painter’s tools and how to use them, but a lot of time is devoted to why something is done and how it may be adapted for personal use.
Painter users of all stripes will be drawn to Seegmiller’s insight -- from web, film, and video game artists to traditional print artists, furniture designers, and those in medical visualization. Photoshop, 2D and 3D artists alike rely on the power of Painter to create textures and material maps for their models, and will find the advanced knowledge in this book a key component they have been missing.

Look this: Hobbes and Republican Liberty or Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia

Junkbots, Bugbots, and Bots on Wheels: Building Simple Robots with Beam Technology

Author: David Hrynkiw

From the publishers of BattleBots: The Official Guide comes this do-it-yourself guide to BEAM (Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, Mechanics) robots. They're cheap, simple, and can be built by beginners in just a few hours, with help from this expert guide complete with full-color photos. Get ready for some dumpster-diving!

Table of Contents:

1: Welcome to the World of Simple Robotics!

2: BEAM Safety: Read This Before Building a Robot

3: Identifying Electronic Bits

4: Electronics Assembly Techniques

5: Tools and Mechanical Assembly Techniques

6: Dumpster Diving 101: How to Scavenge Robot Parts

7: Project 1: The Symet: An Introduction to Solar Powered Robotics

8: Project 2: The Solaroller: BEAM-Style Drag Racer

9: Project 3: The Herbie Photovore

10: Project 4: The Bicore Headbot

11: Project 5: The BEAM Magbot Pendulum

12: Project 6: The BEAM Mini-Sumo Wrestling Edgebot

13: Project 7: The BEAM Walking Robot

14: Biomech Motor Bridges and the Adaptive Bicore

A: Resources for More BEAM Information

B: Materials and Techniques of BEAM Robotics

C: Technical SchematicsIndex

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